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Shadows of Memory


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In the Shadows of Memory

Stories of the Holocaust by the Third Generation. 

This anthology is the first of its kind: an exploration of the experiences of the Third Generation—the grandchildren of Holocaust survivors who have particular relationships to the Holocaust, mediated through their interactions with their parents, grandparents, and communities. The contributors include historians, literary and cultural studies scholars, psychologists, and sociologists, together with autobiographical narratives from members of the Third Generation, which illuminate the scholarly research presented.

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I Bared My Chest

21 Unstoppable Women Get NAKED!

What happens when 21 unstoppable women unite their voices? They show that no matter what your life experiences have been, when you find a connection to someone or some experience, it will give you the freedom to show the world how BOLD, BRAVE & BALLSY you are. By getting “naked” these women reveal some of their most intimate secrets on finding their journey to self. This is an honest and provocative book that will remind you no matter where you come from, or the hand the Universe has dealt you, you can always choose to gift yourself the freedom to be UNSTOPPABLE.

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Habits & Attitudes

Stories from 52 Amazing Individuals

This highly inspirational and motivational book will give you insight into the daily habits, attitudes, and wisdom from extraordinary people. Each story leaves the reader with a “parting shot,” a deep truth about what they’ve come to understand about life, love, humanity, business, success, and true happiness. Discover the wealth of untapped knowledge and experience what makes these amazing people joyful and successful. When you’re done with this book we hope you will be inspired to find your own “Habits and Attitudes” to apply to your life, too.

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The Future of Property

17 Thought Leadership Essays on Housing

Property, one of the pioneers of the property crowdfunding market in Europe, put together stories from 17 industry professionals to curate an in-depth leadership e-book titled The Future of Property. The initiative behind this collaborative e-book is to encourage discussion in a way that inspires, innovates and invites people to talk about the future of property – not only from a technological perspective, but from a housing perspective, and from an investment perspective, because we believe that conversations can catalyse change. 

Book is no longer available but you can download my chapter for free

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Grandmas & Grandkids

Legacies of Love & Wisdom

Grandmas & Grandkids--Legacies of Love & Wisdom is filled with personal stories from women of all ages and cultures from around the US and Canada. The warmth, love, wisdom and humor from all perspectives are clear indicators of the special bond between a grandmother and her grandchild(ren). Enjoy trying new recipes that have been passed down through the generations and the histories behind them! Young children share their infinite wisdom about their grandmas-guaranteed to bring a laugh or two!

Book is no longer available but you can download my chapter for free


For Daddy, With Love

Revealing Stories on the Impact & Influence a Father has in a Daughter's Life

For Daddy, With Love is a cache of 60 plus short stories, quotes, and anecdotes from daughters aged 5 years old to 70 years young which reveal the complex themes in the daughter/father relationship. Drawing from all walks of life, these moving personal narratives are sure to bring a smile, sigh, laugh, or tear to your eye. They were gathered from artists, published authors, editors, entrepreneurs, professionals, students, a noted sex expert and the strong, smart, and bold girls at Girls Inc. of Greater Santa Barbara.

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