If you love books, raise your hand. If you love dusting books, raise your other hand. Now, while you’re standing in this asymmetrical pose, ask yourself why do you need so many books? While most have an intimate attachment to our books, at some point they just become dust collectors. And just wait until it’s time to pack up and move! Spring is a perfect time to do some weeding – and what better way than with books. Now, if you’re panicking at the thought of parting with your copy of “The Fountainhead,” don’t think of it in terms of getting rid of something, but instead as sharing something. How many people don’t have access to classics or trashy novels or John Grisham page-turners? Whatever the case, books are better when they’re being read.
Places to donate your books: Local libraries, schools, thrift shops, used books stores Put them in a box on the street with a sign that says, “Free books!” www.betterworld.com (collects used textbooks and books from campuses and libraries nationwide) www.bookcrossing.com and release them into the wild! Or re-gift them! Not so much as a formal gift, but tell your friend you thought they might enjoy it. They will feel good to know you were thinking of them. Or trade them via www.bookmooch.com or http://www.greentextbooks.org
Still not convinced? Feel like you’ve spent way too much money to just give them away? You can always make a little cash and sell your used books on:
Amazon, Ebay or Half.com
And just think, once your shelves are empty of books… you can go buy more.