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Everything Old is New Again

I recently came across my old iPod circa 2006. I had downloaded thousands of songs onto it and listened in my car, on my bike, at the gym. But in a few short years, like with most electronic devices, it became obsolete, replaced by newer and better. So into the “electronics” tote it went, somehow surviving a number of my annual clean outs. “Maybe I’ll sell it or give it away,” I’d say, before dropping it back into the tote.

Until a few months ago when I finally said it’s time to sell it. But the best offer online was $5. Not worth shipping. For old times sake I charged it and plugged in my ear buds. Songs I used to play on rotation that perked up my mood, motivated me to organize a closet or ride 30 miles filled my head. It was like finding an old friend.

Today I listen to music online, keeping my iTunes with only a few songs as to not use up space on my laptop. But since our reunion, my trusty old iPod has been with me to the gym, my cell phone remaining in the locker. All I hear is music, no texts, emails or calls. I’m focused, letting the music do it’s thing. This old iPod is worth way more than $5.

As many know, I am an advocate of getting rid of excess, even sentimental stuff. But sometimes an old thing can bring new happiness. The key to finding that diamond in the rough is to clear out the extra stuff so we may find new meaning in the old.

Just like in the documentary Joe’s Violin, nominated for an Oscar. Joe, a Holocaust survivor, bought a violin in a Displaced Persons camp after the war. Playing it reminded him of his childhood. He played until his fingers got too feeble. When New York City held a drive to collect musical instruments for students Joe donated that violin. This special violin was given to someone special—a young female violinist in the Bronx—who was as moved by the violin’s story as Joe was when he heard her play it.

And that’s a story that never gets old.

You can watch the short film here

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