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Notes from a Cape Cod Beach

Back when I was in college, a handful of columnists for the Massachusetts Daily Collegian took turns writing the column “Notes from the Campus Center Basement.” The title came from the fact the newsroom was in the Campus Center basement. (We were a literal bunch). These articles were a laundry list of topics instead of one cohesive-themed op/ed. After taking this summer off from writing my blog, I decided to start back up by going back to my roots and writing a “Notes” column. So, without further ado, here are a few highlights from my summer vacation.

That Girl is A Woman Now

So proud of my niece on her bat mitzvah. Not only did Paige do an amazing job reading directly from the Torah scroll, but she stepped up big time (as did my 10-year-old nephew) helping out after my sister dislocated ligaments in her heel. It may be the Year of the Rooster, but it was the Summer of the Foot. Legs too, apparently, as Paige is now officially taller than I am. Thanks a lot DNA!

Summer Bride Back in July at a Tiny House Festival in New Paltz, NY, I thought I spotted a famous actor and pointed him out to a friend. “That’s not him,” she said. “What would he be doing here?” Then the man in question approached my table, picked up one of my books and asked, “Are you Felice?” “Yes,” I said. “Are you Mandy Patinkin?” He smiled back and nodded. Only later did I think to have said instead, “No, I’m Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die.” But it’s probably just as well. He might not have bought copies of my books had I repeated that line from the Princess Bride. Thanks again Mandy!

Rock On

My dad took up boxing this summer. I went to watch the first class and ended up helping through all eight weeks.

Rock Steady is designed for those with Parkinson’s Disease. Boxing is about fighting and that’s exactly what the workout is intended to do: fight back against the symptoms. The 15 participants came to class eager to hit something. They bonded over squats, combination punches, and walking backwards in a straight line. Each class offered new techniques, and afterwards they left stronger, more confident, and with increased joint flexibility than when they arrived. I got so much out of it myself, I plan on getting certified to teach this fall. Thursday is the last class and I anticipate it to be like the last day of camp—teary goodbyes to newfound summer friends.

Never Settle


I bought a new car. Okay, it’s a 2014, but compared to my 2001, it’s new. It’s my third Honda Accord (Yes, I have a type.) I’m excited about the Bluetooth, XM radio, and especially the navigation. No longer will I have to roll down my window and yell out to strangers, “Do you know how to get to X from here?”

September is Not Just for Students

Fall is in the air. The sunlight has changed, acorns are down, and Halloween paraphernalia is once again on store shelves. That means one thing: back to school. Unless, of course, you’re on the other side of graduation, which means you have other things to look forward to. For me, it’s a chapter in the new global anthology “

I Bared My Chest,” a book of personal stories from 21 female authors from around the world. I’m honored to be chosen and look forward to the book’s release in October. To celebrate in style, I bought a new backpack. While transferring my stuff into the new one I felt studentish, that sensation that anything is possible. I guess it takes going back to your roots to remember that.

Happy Fall!

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