Every year when we “spring ahead” we lose an hour, but we gain momentum. That first whiff of spring reenergizes us to continue that New Year’s Resolution we let fall by the wayside sometime in February.
But this year – a Leap Year – meant that we gained an extra 24 hours to get stuff done. As a society constantly clamoring for more time, these “free” hours are a gift – more time to spend doing whatever you want. How did you spend your Leap Day? Did you use it to the fullest? Or did you binge an entire series of a television show? (Some would argue that is using it to its fullest.)
While a Leap Day only comes around every 1,460 days, there are ways to get an extra Leap Day or at least a few extra “leap” hours. First, look at how you’re spending your time. How much on texting? Emailing? Playing solitaire? Watching videos of cats? Some maintain you should only check email twice a day. I admit twice a day isn’t enough for me, but I would also say checking several times an hour isn’t good for my production schedule either. Utilizing “misused” minutes could add another hour or two (or more) to your day.
Another way to add a pretend Leap Day is by calling in sick to work. (I wouldn’t make a habit of this, but once in a while a “mental health” day can stave off burnout and be a huge leap to your psyche.) Turning a Tuesday into a Saturday is like getting an unexpected snow day. The key is how you use it. Do you catch up on housework, go hiking, weed the lawn, take a nap, pay bills, or cook? Or maybe you do it all. Whatever you want, it’s your fake Leap Day.
Now what if you take the word “leap” figuratively and use your “leap” time to work toward your goal. My dad recently sent me a card with the quote: “Leap and the net will appear,” meaning to me that when you believe in yourself enough to take a chance, whatever you need to succeed will be there. Not to say it’s a piece of cake, but isn’t life is a whole lot more interesting when you take that leap of faith? I took a chance when I quit my job and moved into an itsy bitsy apartment with the hopes of finishing a book about my grandfather. Was it easy to live in 90 square feet or pay for my own health benefits? Not all the time. But was it worth it. Absolutely.