It’s winter, which means cold, cold and, oh yeah, more cold. One great way to stay warm these next few months is by wearing hats, gloves and scarves. But what if your Winter Wear drawer/ basket/tote is spilling over with pilled scarves, single gloves or funny hats you bought on a whim while on vacation in Peru that you’ll never wear again? Then it’s time for a Winter Wear makeover.
Which is easy. And fun.
Put on music you like to dance to. This revs up your energy.
Spread all winter gear out on a table, by category. All hats together, all gloves and mittens (paired of course), scarves, neck warmers, headbands, long underwear, etc.
Pick out the things you really love: hats that look good on you, are in good shape, mittens that have a partner, etc. Put them in a new pile we’ll call the Keep pile.
Now, remove anything that looks old, dirty, has lost its warmth factor, is missing a partner, you no longer like, etc. Put this stuff in the Buh Bye pile.
You should now be left with the “I don’t knows.” Try them on. Take a good look in the mirror. Like it? Then keep. Look funny? See ya. And if you’re still not sure, make it a point to wear those items this week. Then when you get home, you should know if you’re going to keep or toss them.
Now, with your paired down remaining items, put them away by category. If you have the space, maybe puts hats in one drawer, scarves in another, and so on. And if you need a visual, check out the video above.
Hope this was helpful. Remember, winter means it’s almost spring!
Happy holidays!